IntroductionThe following questionnaire will help us better understand your current business and online marketing so that we can make tailored recommendations for your online presence. Some questions are more general, while some may not be as important or may not apply to your specific business model. However, please do your best to answer all the questions that apply, as they will help us better understand your business, your needs, and your wants. For questions that do not apply, please skip or write NA. If you prefer to download the questionnaire instead of filling it out online, please click the button below. This will download it as a Word file directly to your computer, and you may fill it out in the Word document or print it as a hard copy and return the completed questionnaire to DOWNLOAD WEBSITE QUESTIONNAIREGeneral InformationCompany Name:*Company Contact Name: First Last Address:Phone Number:*Toll Free:Fax:Mobile:Email Address:* Best time/day to reach you:Does your company offer a physical location to serve customers?Is it the same as the address listed above:Open Business Hours (Example: M-F 9-5pm):How many different locations do you currently have? Please list the city/location of each if different from the one listed above:Current Website Address(es):Blog Address (If Different From Your Website Address):Company Facebook Page: Company Facebook Fan Page Link: Company Twitter Page: Company YouTube Page: Other Social Networking Sites You Utilize (please list with URL’s below):Other Sites Or Places You Post To Regularly Or Use For Marketing Your Business:Save and Continue LaterYour Customers & Services1) Who are your target customers? Please list some of the possible different characteristics of your target audiences that may need to be considered when choosing copy or images? (How old are they, are they predominantly male or female, etc.)2) What are your customers’ goals for visiting your website? What are they looking for? Are they looking for the same type of thing or do you offer different things? Please try to be specific and list what you think their goals are when they come to your site or another site in your industry.3) What are your most profitable services/products in order of importance to your business (What is your highest value service “most profitable service/s” you want to do more of?) Please try to list in order of importance from highest to lowest value service. If you have several services that have the same value, don’t worry about the order just list them below and feel free to add more than you see listed below1. 4) What do you feel is most unique about your business or practice? Why would your clients come to you versus another company that offers the same products/services? Try to think beyond the generic answers like, “we do it better than anyone else,” “we provide good customer service” or “good value.” For example, answer the questions: Why are you better? How do you do it better? What is special about your company or the way you provide your services?5) What are some of your customers’ biggest challenges, problems, concerns or issues? Why do they need you?6) Are there certain things you say or do that your customers respond well to?7) How do you currently attract new clients/customers? Please list all the ways you market to your clients, and if you can, please tell us what you have found works best for you?8) Do you have or have you identified any good referral partners (other businesses that treat or work with the same types of people that can or do send you referrals)?9) Of the prospects/potential clients that you speak with for the first time, how many do you convert to becoming a customer?10) How much is a new client worth to you on average in:11) Do you have repeat clients or is what you do or sell typically a one time sale? If you do have repeat customers, why do you think you lose customers or business?12) Have you ever surveyed your clients to find out how you’re doing? Please explain how you do this and how often, etc.13) Please place a check next to the items below that you are currently NOT USING, but know you want or need to be using.“I know that I want or need…” A Professional Website A Mobile Optimized Website A Logo or New Logo A Tagline Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Marketing (Pay Per Click) Reputation Marketing / Management Email Marketing Professional Videos of You/Your Company Video Marketing Social Media Marketing Sites/Strategies Twitter Facebook LinkedIn YouTube Yelp Other Social Media work (please list below): A Blog Regular Blog Posts Professionally Written Articles Online Press Releases Other (please explain below): Other Social Media work (please list below):Other (please explain below):14) Are you currently using any customer/client management software or other 3rd party software that we need to know about or is connected to your website in any way? Please Explain.15) Please share any other information that you would like us to consider related to your customers or services that you feel may be important for us to know.Save and Continue LaterCompany1) What is your company currently known for?2) Are there other services you want your company to be known for?3) If someone could only take away 3 things from your website, what would they be?4) What differentiators do your customers or referral partners say you have over competitors?5) What are the top competitive advantages for your company?6) What are your company's weaknesses, both in structure, process, and/or delivery of products or services?7) Who are some of your competitors (please give us the website URL’s.) Please list 3-5 competitors in your area you might be aware of and what about them you feel is important for us to know. Save and Continue LaterContent1) Defining the information you'll want or need on your website. We have listed the most popular types of pages below. If you are filling this out online, please highlight the pages you currently don’t have and know you need or want, along with any notes you feel are important for us to know. We want to get your input here and will take this in to consideration when we develop your navigation plan so we don’t miss something you feel you need. Home Products Services Testimonials About Contact Us Team F.A.Q. Gallery Blog Partners Events Articles Online dynamic Forms (please explain) Videos Industries Served Case Studies Resources Forum Directions Survey What's New Specials Partners page (please explain) Shopping Cart Integrated shipping module or calculator Live Chat Module (that you can turn on and off) Integrated merchant account Other (please list) Online dynamic Forms (please explain)Partners page (please explain)Integrated merchant account Will you or are you taking credit cards? Paypal? Other (please list)2) If you have a blog currently that you are using, do you want to allow comments on your blog, and should they be moderated or do you just want to use your blog to add valuable content?3) If you are blogging, who will update the blog?4) How do you plan to keep your website content up to date?5) Who will edit or write your website content?6) Do you want help with content or content editing? (please explain)Save and Continue LaterYour Website GoalsYou should have concrete goals for your website. These are usually lead, revenue, and/or informational based. Please type in your answers in the boxes below each question1) How will you define a successful website? (Is it an increase in website traffic? An increase in sales leads? More phone calls? Less phone calls about simple to answer questions or from the “wrong” types of leads…?) Please let us know. 2) Do you have a specific or general number of sales leads you want or need to reach revenue goals?3) Do yo know how many website visitors you need to attract, to get the number of leads you need to reach revenue goals?Save and Continue LaterWebsite Design1) Do you like anything in particular about your current website or your demo website? Please list these things below…2) What are some other websites you like (in your industry or others), and why? Please include the URL for these examples below:3) Are there specific colors you would like us to use or stay away from? We typically try to match the logo and use the same color scheme.4) What words would you use to describe the “look” you’d like to achieve for your new website?5) Will you want/need some additional stock photography or will you be using only/mostly the photos on your website or demo website? What are the types of images that best represent your services or who you are as a company?Save and Continue LaterYour Current Website1) From a scale of 1-5 (5=totally satisfied) how satisfied are you with your current website?2) Current site: what do you like or dislike and why?3) Please explain what you would like to change if you are not satisfied with your current website.4) What type of updates do you currently make or want to be making to your website?5) Do you currently allow customers/clients to fill out forms online? If you do, do you need/want any changes to this feature?6) Are there documents or forms or new features you want to add to your new website and do any of these require security (for example “shopping cart” etc.) Please explain.7) Do you own and “control” your domain name (meaning you or we can easily go in and re-direct where it points, etc.)8) Please add anything else here below that you want to share or feel is important and may have been missed in this document.Save and Continue LaterMarketing1) Are you sending people to your website from other marketing vehicles? (please describe)2) Do you send direct mail pieces or have other marketing collateral that you use now?3) Will you want to be tracking phone call leads that come in to your new website?4) What are the key performance indicators that you'll measure to gauge success? What tools will you use to collect these measurements on a regular basis?5) What kind of branding/advertising/marketing are you currently using? Mobile Optimized Website Professional Logo Professionally Created Tagline Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Search Engine Marketing (Pay Per Click) Reputation Management/Marketing Cable TV Radio Newspaper Direct Mail Email Marketing What kind of emails do you send out? Professional Videos of You/Your Company Video Marketing Social Media Sites Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Pinterest Google+ Plaxo YouTube Yodel Yelp Other Social Media (please list): Blog Landing Pages Professional Articles Online Press Releases How often do you send them:What system do you use for sending these emails out:If yes, please tell us often you post, what you post and if you have someone dedicated to social media:Other Social Media (please list):Please tell us anything else you feel is important to note:Security question: How many legs does a cow have?*PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Terry Ann, Partner Arie Silverman, Project Manager 17772 Irvine Blvd, Ste. 102A | Tustin, CA | 92780 Office:800-764-8528 x703 | Fax: 866-904-3889 | Get Your FREE Consultation Fill out the form below to schedule your free 30-minute consult and strategy session! Name*Email* Phone*Company I need a new website or website redesign I need website support and maintenance I need more website traffic I need help with my online reviews I need help with my social media I need help with other online marketing *PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ