3 things your business needs to do to its videos on YouTube
By now, you already know that video marketing is very important for your business, because YouTube videos are SEO-friendly and give customers an additional way to engage with your content. Sometimes reading a blog post online is just not as effective as a video with sound and moving images. These days, producing a video is easier than ever, so if you haven’t started video marketing already, you should this year (and of course, we can help if you need it!)
If you already have videos on YouTube, here are a few tweaks you should employ right now to increase views and engagement:
- Review your titles and descriptions for keywords
Just like how you take the time to optimize your website and blog posts to include important keywords and phrases, you should do the same for your videos. Somewhere down the line of you getting busy taking care of your small business and uploading videos when you have the time, you probably hurriedly inserted a video title and description and went along your day. But take a moment to go back and preen your descriptions taking note of your brand’s keywords.
- Use YouTube’s video editor to trim off unimportant segments
You probably know already that YouTube has a built-in video editor to take care of simple editing for all of your videos, like trimming. Splicing off a piece of your video can accomplish two things: Give your videos a shorter time, so potential viewers won’t be “turned off” by the long view time, and it will also get your videos to cut to the chase. Some information is more important than others, so review some of your older videos and see if there’s something you can cut off so your viewers can get the information that’s really important.
- Clean up closed captioning script and transcribe your videos
A really important feature of YouTube is the ability to turn on closed captioning for most videos. This is great for people who are hard-of-hearing and for those who cannot “listen” to videos wherever they are. The biggest benefit though is the ability to transcribe your videos and have additional keywords in your description. You can actually edit your script that YouTube automatically created, and then you can export the script and then re-insert it back into the description adding SEO value to your videos.
All of this work may seem pretty laborious, but the potential ROI you can generate from these tips can be great. If you need assistance with your video marketing strategy, the team here at Art of Online Marketing can help. Contact us today for a free consultation.