Stop Coughing out Industry “Jargon” and Other Website Copy Mistakes
Write your website “copy” in the language of your target market, unlesss of course you want high bounce rates, bored readers, and higher sales for your competition. Easy to understand, well-written website copy is one of the MOST important aspects of having an effective website. Do NOT use jargon or “industry-speak” that only you or other industry professionals understand, especially if your target audience are regular, ever-day people. This is another common illness often found with business websites that is easily fixed. Dont’ know how to write “good” copy? Check out our website services or resource section for help. You may think that your technical or industry jargon sounds impressive, but more often than not, your prospect will quickly go elsewhere to find a website whose copy they understand and can relate to better, because reading and trying to decipher your copy is WAY too much work and makes them feel like an idiot. Beware of insulting or confusing the person you want to buy from you. If your website does not have good web editing software to make changes to “sick” copy, check out this website. Remember, you don’t have to be a small business marketing expert to know the golden rule in marketing, people buy from people they know, like and trust; and if your website makes you sound like one of those companies, whose executives live in the ivory tower they bash at parties, they will not trust you, like you or want to get to know you better. What is worse, is in less than a few seconds they will hit the dreaded “Back” button and whamo, off they will go to a different website where they will happily give their money or a referral to one of your competitors. So, in case this was not completely clear and you are still wondering if I am talking to you, stay away from technical jargon and complex website “language” unless you have a very good reason for using it. Remember who your website is really designed for and make sure you have a web development platform that allows you to constantly update and refine your web copy as it is the single MOST important aspect of having an effective website.