Changes in Facebook Advertising After a Year of Scandal and Regulation Updates
If you’ve depended on Facebook Advertising to bring in more business, then this past year was a real pain in the butt for you.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) stemming from the European Union went into full effect this past May 2018, changing the way many businesses around the globe market to customers. If you collect data from individuals residing from within the EU, then you’ve got to comply to the new set of laws. If you target EU citizens with Facebook Ads, that means you too.
And let’s not forget about the great data scandal when data broker firm Cambridge Analytica was found scraping sensitive user information to influence political decisions for Facebook users in 2016. It was such a big deal that Facebook actually removed the popular feature “Partner Categories” which negatively impacted many advertisers who depended on it for precise audience targeting.
To learn more about these events, and to see what changes were made with Facebook Advertising because of them, head over to our latest Entrepreneur.com article. Be sure to share it with your network and team so that you’re all up-to-date.
Not sure what changes to make to your marketing strategy? Need help setting up a new social media ad campaign that keeps you compliant? Give us a call at 800-764-8528 or send us a message using our contact form here.