5 Ways to Create Even More Content from Your Old Content
It’s inevitable that as you write more articles, creating even more becomes increasingly challenging. Thinking of new ideas and new topics takes effort and time — something a lot of small business owners don’t have a lot of.
When you reach a writer’s block, it’s time to change your thinking. Thanks to social media, you can resurface your older content to the audience in a new way. It encourages your audience to reread and retain your content, and possibly reach more people that you probably missed the first time around.
You need to think beyond the typical blog post, and try out other forms of content, like video, podcasts, quote graphics and more. Here are a few ways you can repurpose your already-available content:
- Podcasts
There is a resurgence in podcasts, thanks to better integration of cars and phones and more commute times. Creating podcasts, those episodic audio streams users can download from iTunes or stream from online, is easier than ever before. Take some of your old articles and turn them into a podcast for auditory consumption.
- Video presentations
Creating video doesn’t always have to involve an expensive camera and editing software. With new tools like Animoto or even YouTube’s own video editor, you can create video presentations with slides of information and graphics. You can also use your iPhone to create stunning high-quality videos.
- Quote graphics
The reason you see a lot of inspirational or factual quote graphics on your Facebook stream is because they simply work. People love easily digestible information, and what better way to serve it than in a simple, quality graphic. Take snippets from your old articles, like quotes from interviews or a factual statement, and turn them into a sharable graphic. Free tools like Canva provide a fun and easy way to help you re-share good information visually.
- Link round-ups
Got a lot of articles centered around the same theme? Give your audience an easier way to navigate important topics by creating link round-up articles or resource pages. Gather up links to content around a specific theme and package it either into a new article, or create a new page on your site to give readers better access to specific items. For instance, if you have a lot of articles about how to paint walls (from choosing a color, to selecting the right tools), then you’ve got a valuable group of content to wrap up in a nice all-inclusive article or page.
- Simply resurface based on the news
A new article can simply reintroduce older content based on what happened in the news. If Jennifer Aniston just walked the red carpet with her new, red hairstyle, create a short write-up about her and introduce your old blog post on how to appropriately dye your hair red.
As you can see, creating new content does not have to be a chore, and you can always find ways to reuse what you already have. For additional help on how to reinvigorate your old content, schedule a free consultation with us and we’ll be happy to walk through with you how we can help out with your content marketing efforts.