Power Pack Giveaway
Jumpstart your Business with this
Sales & Marketing Power Pack Giveaway
Enter for your Chance to Win this package valued at over $5,500…
You can win a prize package designed to help you start your business or transform it to generate more leads, more revenue, and more sales!
- Are you starting a business
- Do you need to generate more sales and create more income?
- Are you having trouble getting attention and rising above the competition?
Blair Singer has teamed up with The Art of Online Marketing and Entrepreneur to bring you this exclusive package to help entrepreneurs and small business owners
reach their goals of starting and running a viable, profitable business. You’ll enjoy powerful training, products and services to help you give your
business a massive boost.
The winner will receive:
- 2 Tickets
to Blair Singer’s Sales Explosion Program (www.thesalesexplosionprogram.com) $3,990 Value!
- A new (or improved) website, valued at $1,500 from The Art of Online Marketing
- Entrepreneur’s start your own business
book (endorsed by Rich Dad’s Robert Kiyosaki)
- A one-year print subscription to Entrepreneur Magazine
This package is worth over $5,500!
Blair Singer is a Rich Dad Advisor to Robert Kiyosaki, a best selling author, international speaker, and trainer who has helped major companies around the world like Singapore Airlines, Redken, Dunkin Brands and thousands of individuals, increase their sales and income 15-85% in just 6 weeks on average.
With Blair Singer’s Sales Explosion Program, you’ll learn immensely powerful sales skills, how to overcome self-limiting behavior and master your
negative little voice.This course has the ability to help you completely change your financial results and could easily help you generate thousands of dollars in additional sales revenues within weeks, day or maybe even minutes!
Learn more about the Sales Explosion Program at:
Learn more about Blair Singer at:
Entrepreneur has teamed up with us to offer their best-selling book, start your own business
, and a one-year free subscription to their magazine for the winner
. This unmatched, extensive guide will provide you all the know-how for starting up, from funding optionsto tax strategies and much, much more.
Learn more about Entrepreneur at: