One single tweak could improve your marketing results by 50% or more!
Are You Taking Advantage of One of the Best Marketing Elements:
Consistent Calls to Action?
Have you ever felt like something was missing from your marketing? Like there’s something you “can’t put your finger on” that makes your marketing different from what the best marketers do?
Have you ever wished you could “capture” some of that elusive “magic” that makes the best marketing so effective?We have some good news for you.
Your Marketing Is Better Than You Think.
If you’re like most people we’ve worked with, your marketing already has some great things going for it. You’re already an expert in your field and know how to write about it. Where your website may be lacking is in the “little things,” the subtle overlooked tweaks that great marketers know how to take advantage of.
One Of The Best Marketing Elements: Consistent Calls To Action!
One of the BIGGEST mistakes we notice in most peoples’ marketing is a lack of calls to action.
A call to action is simply an invitation to do something; i.e., click a link, make a purchase, or opt in to a newsletter.
Example: www.MailChimp.com
It’s best to include calls to action on everything you put out:
- Several times in each email.
- At the end of every blog post.
- At the end of Video Sales Letters.
- Multiple times in a sales page.
What’s great about this is, it’s a simple tweak that you can implement RIGHT AWAY… You can start growing your lists and sales immediately!
Consistent calls to action are great, but only if done correctly. At The Art of Online Marketing we want to teach you how to use Calls To Action effectively in YOUR marketing. For a limited time, we’re offering
a ZERO-cost, 30 minute marketing consultation (valued at $125) to help you find out how to generate more leads and ultimately, sales.
Call 1-800-764-8528 ext. 717 to schedule your complimentary consultation today!