3 things your business needs to do on Pinterest in 2014
For many retailers, Pinterest is driving a lot of traffic to their site, and converting more customers than other social networks. Aside from being a game-changer in social media, it has also changed the way many users shop online and file DIY ideas to tackle later.
But aside from Pinterest being a goldmine for ecommerce businesses, service-based and B2B companies also have the opportunity to get in on the action and capitalize on its popularity. Assuming you’ve already created a Pinterest account, here are 3 things you should do on Pinterest this coming year.
— Really determine if your brand is aligned with the demographic on Pinterest
I’m not joking here. Sometimes, marketers need to take a step back and realize that they don’t actually need to be on every social network, especially if it’s not worth the effort. If your products or services do not appeal to well-to-do, professional, family-minded women, then maybe Pinterest isn’t the best place for you. Or, if you realize that creating content and imagery for Pinterest is taking time away from other, better lead generators, then maybe you should cease to be active on Pinterest for your brand. Instead, find some DIY tips for around the house.

— Find out what women really want
You don’t have to tap Mel Gibson for this one. Check out Pinterest’s Popular section to see what existing pins that users find the most pin-worthy on the site. So, instead of replicating what you see on there, find ways to add more value or ways to do THAT better. Also, be sure to check out the Analytics section of your brand’s Pinterest page to see what YOUR audience finds worthy. You’ll be surprised at what types of content go viral.
— Invest in really good photography or design
Glance through the popular pins page and you’ll notice a recurring theme: quality pictures (or design). While most camera phones these days will take a pretty decent picture, you still have to have a good eye and lighting know-how to produce great photography. A simple YouTube search for “better photos with your iPhone” will bring up a slew of results — take the time to educate yourself and start creating better photos.
For design, beautiful infographics or quote graphics can go a long way on Pinterest. Users love to share great quotes and content, but if it doesn’t look palatable, they’re not going to digest it easily. You can find great graphic design freelancers via sites like Elance.com and Odesk.com.
— BONUS: Use Pinterest to create your instant dream wedding…
However you shape your strategy for the coming year, keep in mind that social etiquette is a big thing on Pinterest, meaning you give credit where credit is due. Try to repin things you find to retain its original source. Also, it shows people that you care about engaging in the community and that there’s a real person who’s genuinely interested in curating an amazing Pinterest board.