Video Marketing & SEO
I have good news and bad news for you. The bad news is that online marketing is constantly changing, forcing you to continually learn new things. The good news is that online marketing is constantly changing, which levels the playing field so that the little guy doesn’t have to be left in the dust. It can seem like every time you master something, the big boys like Google, Bing and Yahoo step in and shake things up by changing the rules of the game.
The rules of search engine optimization are a perfect example of this. Companies spend thousands of dollars trying to climb to the top of leading search engines. SEO can be fairly complex. Google and Bing closely guard their algorithms. Unlocking SEO secrets and being up to date on SEO trends is what keeps online marketing companies like us in business. We figured out how to incorporate keywords and build backlinks to get to the top of the search engines. Now that a substantial number of companies have mastered the SEO game, the big boys are shaking it up again. An example of an up-and-coming SEO game-changer is the incorporation and optimization of video for marketing. Forbes Magazine calls video “search-engine cat nip,” because nearly half of all search results display videos content on the first page. Ironically, however, only about 1% of your competitors is likely have a video marketing strategy. While your competitor may have mastered getting his or her website optimized, you can sweep in with a video, and often shoot right to the top of the search engine results. Video marketing is your golden opportunity to stand out.