Optmizing Marketing with Email – A 392% Improvement
In the Social Media Training program we run, we continually remind our students how important it is to have a email nurture program in place. Once you meet people – online as part of your social network strategy – or offline in real-life business networking, you need a fast, consistent way to keep in touch. Email marketing is natural fit. Optimizing Marketing Results through Nurture Emails As the saying goes “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”, so it’s important to set your marketing on auto-pilot as much as possible. One of the easiest ways to begin optimizing marketing and stretch your small business marketing budget is to invest in a decent auto-responder email program, like iContact or Swiftpages . The Marketing Sherpa Report Marketing Sherpa agrees with us (or is is us that agrees with them?) that nurture emails are a critical component to optimizing marketing. Marketing Sherpa recently released their findings which showed a 392% increase in click-throughs when they sent 6 emails over a 3-month period vs. just sending one follow-up email. http://sherpablog.marketingsherpa.com/email-marketing/how-a-6-email-series-increased-unique-key-clickthrough-reach-by-nearly-400-over-a-single-email/ So you you are looking for *almost* free marketing for small business, instead of sending one follow up email when someone responds to an marketing campaign, send out a series of welcoming emails. Just make sure they are educational, targeted, and expected. Email marketing is truly one of the best ways you can expand your small business marketing budget! Visit our website to learn about other small business marketing resources.